Friday, April 5, 2013

Spanks For The Memories

Drive-In Blurb:
Brandi’s recovering from a painful and expensive divorce, and definitely isn’t looking for a relationship. But when her high-school crush Evan bangs into her—literally—his gorgeous body and sexy smile have as much a hold on her as ever. It’s no wonder Brandi can’t bring herself to say no to him when he reminds her that she still owes him a date he was promised more than ten years ago.

Evan figures he has one chance to wow Brandi, who’s always been the one who got away. To his delight, he finds she’s the same girl he used to know…but she now has a sexy, slightly kinky edge. When their date takes an unexpectedly erotic turn and ends with the best sex of his life, Evan knows she’s still the only girl for him. Now he just has to convince Brandi.

Setup: Evan is trying to recreate a date from high school, but things go terribly wrong when the drive-in movie theater has changed their format to porn.

She’d always thought porn was reserved for rowdy bachelor parties or lonely men to view in private. It had never occurred to her that voyeurism would set her pulse racing and her pussy throbbing.

Brandi and Evan both snickered at the intrusion. Back on the screen, the couple had transitioned into doggy style on the floor. Lance held Destiny’s mane of hair in one hand, tugging like he was holding reins. With his other hand, Lance slapped Destiny’s ass over and over again, calling her a bad girl. By her own admission, repeating yes again and again and again, Destiny agreed with Lance’s assessment of her badness.
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  1. Ah! ROFL Drive-in Porn. Love it! I can just imagine the expressions on their faces as the movie and really bad music started. hee hee

  2. I'm loving all the different angles of spanking fiction on this blog hop! Thanks for sharing Kelli!

    1. There really are so many different types of spanks...for the enjoyment of the spanker or spankee, for discipline, for fun, for laughs...

  3. Interesting look at how even the porn industry can be revisited and brought to the surface and used as a sensual aide for this couple to agree on and perhaps lead to that awareness of the eros of spanking and discipline in their lives.

  4. I agree with Joseph. First of all the idea of a Drive-in porn movie brings all sorts of possibilities to mind. Such an original concept, Kelli. Thanks for sharing.

    1. My editor thought it was unusual too...but back in the day when I was in my 20s our drive-in got a rebirth by showing porn. Now they have swap meets???

  5. Lol! I love it. What an awesome concept!! Drive-in porn would have been a big-hit where I've come from. ;) Great snippet!

    1. Now that we can get porn descretely delivered to our home TV, the idea of drive-in porn has gone by the wayside. But, wow, porn on the big screen!!!

  6. Love this clever scene! Thanks for the giggle, Kelli. Sounds like a great book, too.

  7. LOL, what a great set up! Love it!

  8. I can imagine the shock and titillation of watching unexpected porn. That ought to start them thinking.

  9. Thanks, ladies! It is a fun and funny story.

  10. What a fun concept. I HAVE seen porn at the drive in. Love this snippet, I could just imagine their faces :)

    1. I think I saw my first porn at the drive-in. Hot Dallas Nights. It was a spoof on the series Dallas.

  11. Very fun snippet! I'm also a fan of the "high school crush revisited" theme. Nice job!

  12. Porn and popcorn...what a concept! :)

  13. Hot! I love the funny description of the on-screen action (and the names!) - really sexy understatement. Interested to see how things develop for our movie-goers... :D

  14. Okay - porn drive-in aside, the erotic spanking sounded like a happy reunion.
