Friday, March 29, 2013

Spanks A Lot

Mmmm....It's Saturday Spankings...

Excerpt from Blind Passion:

What if he went too far and she clobbered him—or worse yet, what if he accidentally hurt her? What if he wasn’t rough enough and she never came back for more?

"Should we have a safe word?" he asked, not knowing much about rough sex.

"Sal," she said teasingly, "now you’re making me nervous. And hot."

"And wet," he noted, dragging his thumb through her slick folds.

She giggled. "Imperial Pagoda. It’s not just for dinner anymore."

"Imperial Pagoda it is, then."

~And that safe word makes me hungry for egg rolls!~


Nicole Adkins’ silly crush on her neighbor is slowly starting to resemble an obsession. After months of watching him from afar, she’s resorted to orchestrating accidental elevator encounters and bumbling through rehearsed conversations that go terribly wrong. 

Salvatore Lopez is legally blind. To him, Nicki is a pleasant-smelling, sexy-sounding blur in a rotating rainbow of different-colored clothes. He’s intrigued, but fears he’s nothing more to her than a charity case. 

But Sal’s blindness means Nicki can watch him risk-free from her apartment and fantasize about sensual encounters. Most of all, she can pretend he’s watching from his apartment as she pleasures herself. He’s the perfect man to indulge all her dark fantasies. If he regains his sight, it could be the beginning of a beautiful romance—or the end.
Barnes and Noble

~Share the love!!!~



  1. ooh, love the premise of this one!!

  2. Okay, Kelli, you've convinced me. Blind Passion is another one for my TBR pile. Thanks for posting.

  3. Imperial Pagoda! LOve it!

    The storyline is unique - definitely intriguing.

  4. This sounds like a great story, and you gotta love that safe word! Lol.

  5. This story sounds really fun. I can't wait to read the whole thing. I don't know if I could holler out "Imperial Pagoda" in the middle of it, though.

    1. Ha! Right. I'd be like chow mein...egg roll..fried rice!!!

  6. LOl. Imperial Pagoda IS a mouthful! Great snippet :)

  7. I'm thinking that "Imperial Pagoda" is a bit hard to shout out in a moment of passion. ;)

  8. And afterwards they can go out for Chinese food. Sexy snippet.

  9. I'm intrigued. Great safeword!

  10. *sigh* That safe word makes me hungry - not only for food, but for spankings! I like this!
