Friday, March 8, 2013


It's that time again!

I chose another excerpt from Birthday Bash because birthday spanks are some of the best spanks.


One last strong wallop from him and she whirled into a void of thick, hot pleasure spinning her in sparkly decadence. She heard very little and saw even less, but everything all the way to her sizzling marrow snapped, crackled, and popped with pleasure.

"Ms. Falzone? Juli? What the fuck did you do to her, Damian?"

"I did the same thing I always do except without the pinch to grow an inch."

Her eyes fluttered open to find Officer Hung hovering in her peripheral vision,
holding her hand, patting her cheek and looking worried enough to call 911.
Her chest heaved. "Wow."

Birthday Bash
Juli Falzone is stuck at home for her thirtieth birthday after the TSA put her on the no-fly list…until her doorbell rings and she finds two hot cops standing on her porch with a warrant for her arrest. Can she talk her way out of the situation or will they make her come along peacefully?


  1. Wow, indeed. Hot snippet, Kelli. Looks like Juli would be wishing for a birthday every day. Great post.

  2. Love this excerpt, Kelli! Super hot, and yummy.

  3. Thank you, ladies! I and actually managed to get my post up on time this week!!!

  4. To make her sizzling marrow snap, crackle and pop.. You can conceivable feel this in your wording... powerful...

  5. Very hot! Love a good birthday spanking:)

  6. If only birthdays could come more than once a year.

  7. Sizzling! You really capture that mind-blowing spanking sensation. And I do love the word 'wallop' :)
